Virtually simple. Powered by doctors.
Designed for hospitals to achieve better business, team and patient outcomes through virtual care.
Athree’s balanced process advocates equitably for:
As a virtual care provider we focus on our doctor’s quality of life, so they can be optimally prepared to lead a healthy culture -at your hospital- with outstanding, measured patient outcomes in an efficient, productive environment.
Athree provides cost effective, state-licensed and hospital credentialed virtual nocturnist and hospitalist care to patients at rural hospitals utilizing widely available, HIPAA compliant technology and audio and video conferencing.
Athree is not offering virtual care directly to consumers. Our mission is to assist hospitals, especially in medically underserved areas (MUA's), to develop virtual capabilities which increase access to specialized care for the patients who need it most.
athree \ˈa-thrē \ noun
der. new word
1 : state of optimum collaboration
A Smart Solution Where It's Needed Most
Provider burnout is chronically thinking there is more work than resources. Athree can flip this thinking for your team. It's not another layer, it's integrated. It simplifies jobs-to-be-done during clinical care, automating tasks through lightweight tech and a doctor-designed, user-centric process.

Athree utilizes lightweight, agnostic tech defined by user experience, designed workflow and a price point which enables the process to work as a full business solution for hospitals. People, time and money- all of your resources pulled together to deliver better outcomes.